Our Upcoming Coffees, Training, Events & Wellbeing Sessions

Autism & ADHD Support Group
A fab opportunity to meet other like minded parents & carers in an informal environment
We will have coffee, tea and biscuits at The Firs in WSM - just bring yourself!
We are joined by SEND and You - SAY, they are the SENDIAS (Special Educational Needs & Disability Information, Advice and Support) service and can offer help with all kinds of SEND issues at every stage of your child’s education, including SEN support at school, exclusions, Educational Health Care Plans (EHCP's), complaints and appeals. This is a good chance to ask any questions face to face with supportive advice from SAY!
See you there👋
At The Firs, Drove Road, WSM, BS23 3NX

Male Parent Carers Night
Male Parent Carers...are you caring for someone you love? Balancing your own needs with their support can be tough. Take a breath and join us for a special event focusing on your wellbeing🐟🍟
Why just for men? While all carers face challenges, research shows men often report feeling less comfortable seeking help. It is important to provide a safe space to connect with other male carers, share experiences, connect with resources & access support.
🙋♂️Spread the word and share with your fellow male carers!
👀Also Check out: https://sends4dad.org.uk/
Remember: While this event focuses on male carers, we believe in supporting all caregiving communities.
If you identify as a female carer and are interested in similar resources, please reach out to us directly! admin@nspcwt.org
#PCF #ParentCarerForum #MaleParentCarers #MaleCareGivers #NorthSomerset #ParentCarers #NSPCWT
At The Firs, Drove Rd, W-S-M, BS23 3NX

Broadoak Coffee
Broadoak are holding a parent carer coffee morning for current families
We will be joining for a cuppa!
At 14A Broadoak Road, Weston-Super-Mare, BS23 4NP

Introduction to Understanding and Supporting Anxiety
Is your child awaiting an Autism assessment? Or are they showing signs of Autistic traits and you would like to learn more to help you understand how better to support them? Are you a professional looking to support a child / children in your care?
Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) Parent Carer forums have teamed together to deliver a variety of workshops to provide information, support and practical guidance to help you on your journey. This workshop is a face-to-face session focusing on Anxiety.
To book a funded place on this workshop you MUST live in North Somerset.
This workshop gives a broad overview of anxiety.
• What is it?
Anxiety is a powerful mixture of emotions and physical responses, which can feel overwhelming. There is a difference between fear of an immediate event, and worry, which typically focusses on a future (or past) event.
• How does it present?
Everyone will experience anxiety differently.
It is being able to recognise it in ourselves but also what that might look like for your child. Anxiety becomes a problem when it gets in the way of everyday routines, prevents social connection and affects overall well-being.
• What is the connection with executive functioning?
Anxiety can have a major impact on executive functioning skills. They may have trouble with certain skills like planning, staying organized, sequencing information, and self-regulating emotions. The more anxious a person is the more difficult it will be to be able to access these skills.
• How can we best support our children with anxiety?
The workshop will give you strategies and the opportunity to share knowledge of supporting anxiety. We will present resources and strategies that can be practically used for you and your child, whilst underpinning some of the things that may be causing anxiety.
This workshop will be delivered by an SEND professional and an experienced SEND parent carer.

Parent Carer Coffee
General Coffee Catch Up at The Firs- all parent carers are welcome 👋
Super relaxed chance to chill over a cup of tea or coffee 🫖
Meet other parent carers and freely ask us any questions. We can signpost you to helpful professionals and other support 😊
SEND and You - SAY will also be joining us. They are the SENDIAS team in North Somerset (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information and Advice Service).
At The Firs, Drove Rd, Weston BS23 3NX

Parent Carer ARFID Coffee
Parent Carer Coffee for anyone who is supporting their child/young person with Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder - (ARFID).
This is an opportunity to meet others going through a similar experience and form a peer support network.
Our peer support team will also be there, able to offer a listening ear, support and signposting 😊
At The Firs, Drove Rd, WsM, BS23 3NX

PINS Coffee at St Anne's West Wick
Forty primary schools across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire are part of a new Project called “Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools” or PINS for short.
Read more about it here: https://www.nspcwt.org/pins-2
We're hosting information sessions at the 13 North Somerset schools and are excited to invite parents & carers of St Anne’s Primary School (West Wick) along to this Coffee Afternoon
This is all about boosting support for neurodivergent learners and it's so important to have your partnership....
We are North Somerset Parent Carers Working Together (NSPCWT) and are here to ensure the collective parent carer voice is heard. We signpost to relevant organisations and listen to your experiences. We run regular coffee mornings, training sessions and events plus we recently organised free wellbeing days out to enjoy.
Come along and see us
1 Scot Elm Drive, West Wick, Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset, BS24 7JU

PINS Coffee at Ashcombe Primary
Forty primary schools across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire are part of a new Project called “Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools” or PINS for short.
Read more about it here: https://www.nspcwt.org/pins-2
We're hosting information sessions at the 13 North Somerset schools and are excited to invite parents & carers of Ashcombe Primary School along to this Coffee Morning 🍵
🗨️This is all about boosting support for neurodivergent learners and it's so important to have your partnership....
🙋♂️We are North Somerset Parent Carers Working Together (NSPCWT) and are here to ensure the collective parent carer voice is heard. We signpost to relevant organisations and listen to your experiences. We run regular coffee mornings, training sessions and events plus we recently organised free wellbeing days out to enjoy.
🌞 Come along and see us 😀

PINS Coffee at Walliscote Primary
Forty primary schools across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire are part of a new Project called “Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools” or PINS for short.
Read more about it here: https://www.nspcwt.org/pins-2
We're hosting information sessions at the 13 North Somerset schools and are excited to invite parents & carers of Walliscote Primary along to this Coffee Afternoon
This is all about boosting support for neurodivergent learners and it's so important to have your partnership....
We are North Somerset Parent Carers Working Together (NSPCWT) and are here to ensure the collective parent carer voice is heard. We signpost to relevant organisations and listen to your experiences. We run regular coffee mornings, training sessions and events plus we recently organised free wellbeing days out to enjoy.
Come along and see us
1 Walliscote Road, Weston-Super-Mare, BS23 1UY

Mothers Day Coffee
💐🌸🌻Calling all Female Parent Carers🌻🌸💐
We want to treat you to a nice hot cuppa & some tasty treats!
Come on down to The Firs in Weston-super-Mare for a chilled chat and some ‘you’ time 💖

Emotionally Based School Avoidance Coffee
Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA) is a term used to describe children and young people (CYP) who experience challenges in attending school due to negative feelings (such as anxiety). EBSA is commonly associated with emotional and physical distress, and a reluctance to attend school, which can lead to reduced attendance and further anxiety regarding school.
This is a Peer Support Coffee session to gain some support & signposting whilst meeting others in a similar situation 💖
⭐Joining us are SEND and You - SAY. They are the SENDIAS (Special Educational Needs & Disability Information, Advice and Support) service and can offer help with all kinds of SEND issues at every stage of your child’s education, including SEN support at school, exclusions, Educational Health Care Plans (EHCP's), complaints and appeals. This is a good chance to ask any questions face to face with supportive advice from SAY!
At Nailsea Methodist Church, BS48 2DS

Autism & ADHD Support Group
A place for like minded parents and carers to meet over hot drinks and biscuits💓
Often the best tips are found from others walking a similar path 👣
Drop in between 6 - 8pm, our lovely peer support team will be here for signposting, a listening ear and support💬
At The Firs, Drove Road, WSM, BS23 3NX

Brunch at The Firs, WsM
As a parent carer life can be challenging…
NSPCWT would like you to know that you do an amazing job!🥰
Come and join us for a free parent carer celebratory brunch so we can treat you 🥐🫖
In March we will release the Expressions of Interest forms on social media…
At The Firs, Drove Rd, Weston-Super-Mare, BS23 3NX

Autism & ADHD Support Group
Hot coffee, like minded people, listening ears, support & signposting!!
Drop in for a cuppa with our lovely peer support team, SEND and You plus an Educational Psychologist…
SEND and You - SAY are the SENDIAS (Special Educational Needs & Disability Information, Advice and Support) service and can offer help with all kinds of SEND issues at every stage of your child’s education, including SEN support at school, exclusions, Educational Health Care Plans (EHCP's), complaints and appeals. This is a good chance to ask any questions face to face with supportive advice from SAY!
👋Dulcie Gray is an Educational Psychologist and will be here to chat with parent carers.
At North Weston Village Hall, Portishead, BS20 6TB

Brunch at Clevedon
As a parent carer life can be challenging…
NSPCWT would like you to know that you do an amazing job!🥰
Come and join us for a free parent carer celebratory brunch so we can treat you 🥐🫖
In March we will release the Expressions of Interest forms on social media…
At St. Andrews Church Centre, Clevedon, BS21 7UE

Neurodivergent Parent Carer Coffee
This is an informal meet up for Parent Carers who consider themselves Neurodivergent - no diagnosis necessary.
This is a chance to talk about yourself and share experiences and helpful tips ⭐
Come along, have a cuppa and meet others 🫖🍵
NSPCWT will be there for signposting & a listening ear
At The Firs,
Drove Road, WsM,
BS23 3NX

Easter Stay & Play
We are excited to offer our Easter Stay & Play Sessions for the April half term!🐣🐰
If you are interested, please do fill out our Expressions of Interest form when it becomes available (we will post this on social media in March). Please note the form does not mean you have signed up. We will send you an email with the best date & time we can offer!
At The Firs, Drove Road, WSM , BS23 3NX

Easter Stay & Play
We are excited to offer our Easter Stay & Play Sessions for the April half term!🐣🐰
If you are interested, please do fill out our Expressions of Interest form when it becomes available (we will post this on social media in March). Please note the form does not mean you have signed up. We will send you an email with the best date & time we can offer!
At The Firs, Drove Road, WSM , BS23 3NX

Winterstoke Hundred Academy Parent Carer Coffee
✨NSPCWT Coffee with SEND and You - SAY✨
🙋♀️Are you a parent or carer to a young person with an additional need, disability or an emerging concern regarding their development and attend Winterstoke Hundred Academy?
If so, come and join us for a coffee and a chat😀
We are North Somerset Parent Carers Working Together (NSPCWT) and are here to ensure the collective parent carer voice is heard. We signpost to relevant organisations and listen to your experiences. We run regular coffee mornings, training sessions and events plus we recently organised free wellbeing days out to enjoy 🌳
⭐SEND and You - SAY are the SENDIAS (Special Educational Needs & Disability Information, Advice and Support) service and can offer help with Educational Health Care Plans (EHCP's), other legal processes, plus can offer information, advice and support on all kinds of SEND issues at every stage of your child’s education.
Share your experiences plus meet other parents & carers!
🌸Please remember that no diagnosis is needed and you are welcome to our coffee if you have concerns regarding your young person’s development in any way 🌸
There is no sign up- please just drop by to see us😀
Address: Apprentice Way, Locking Parklands, , Weston super Mare, BS24 7PS

Autism and Mental Health
A deeper dive into autism and the mental health conditions that can occur with it. This session contains information about difficult subjects such as suicide and trauma.
This is a free training event for parent carers of children with additional needs and/or disabilities within North Somerset. This event is also open to professionals who work with children/young people with additional needs and/or disabilities in North Somerset. Priority on place allocation will be given based on the criteria above.

Locking Primary School Coffee
✨NSPCWT Coffee with SEND and You - SAY✨
🙋♀️Are you a parent or carer to a young person with an additional need, disability or an emerging concern regarding their development and attend Locking Primary School?
If so, come and join us for a coffee and a chat😀
We are North Somerset Parent Carers Working Together (NSPCWT) and are here to ensure the collective parent carer voice is heard. We signpost to relevant organisations and listen to your experiences. We run regular coffee mornings, training sessions and events plus we recently organised free wellbeing days out to enjoy 🌳
⭐SEND and You - SAY are the SENDIAS (Special Educational Needs & Disability Information, Advice and Support) service and can offer help with Educational Health Care Plans (EHCP's), other legal processes, plus can offer information, advice and support on all kinds of SEND issues at every stage of your child’s education.
Share your experiences plus meet other parents & carers!
🌸Please remember that no diagnosis is needed and you are welcome to our coffee if you have concerns regarding your young person’s development in any way 🌸
There is no sign up- please just drop by to see us😀

Emotionally Based School Avoidance
NSPCWT Would like to invite parent carers and professionals to a fully funded session on this BRAND NEW training from Catrina Lowri on emotionally based school avoidance. This session has been requested by our parent carer community and we are so excited to be able to offer the support and guidance needed when families are experiencing this common issue.
Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA) is a term used to describe children and young people (CYP) who experience challenges in attending school due to negative feelings (such as anxiety). EBSA is commonly associated with emotional and physical distress, and a reluctance to attend school, which can lead to reduced attendance and further anxiety regarding school.
During this session, Catrina will guide you through the why's and the how's to try and support you through this with your child/young person. You will have the chance to dicuss your personal circumstances if you wish, and to give you the tools and strategies to put in place.

PINS Coffee at Yeo Moor Primary
Forty primary schools across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire are part of a new Project called “Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools” or PINS for short.
Read more about it here: https://www.nspcwt.org/pins-2
We're hosting information sessions at the 13 North Somerset schools and are excited to invite parents & carers of Yeo Moor Primary School along to this Coffee Afternoon.
This is all about boosting support for neurodivergent learners and it's so important to have your partnership....
We are North Somerset Parent Carers Working Together (NSPCWT) and are here to ensure the collective parent carer voice is heard. We signpost to relevant organisations and listen to your experiences. We run regular coffee mornings, training sessions and events plus we recently organised free wellbeing days out to enjoy.
Come along and see us

Autism & ADHD Support Group
Join us in Portishead for a chat over biscuits & tea🍵🫖
Super chilled environment and friendly faces! We are happy to chat about anything and offer support if you would like.
Feel free to come along for a catch up with like minded people…
We are joined by SEND and You - SAY. They are the SENDIAS (Special Educational Needs & Disability Information, Advice and Support) service and can offer help with all kinds of SEND issues at every stage of your child’s education, including SEN support at school, exclusions, Educational Health Care Plans (EHCP's), complaints and appeals. This is a good chance to ask any questions face to face with supportive advice from SAY!
At North Weston Village Hall, Portishead, BS20 6TB
Family Voice Project Coffee & Voucher
Dear Parents and Carers,
Please see attached an invitation to contribute parent/carer/family voice to The Family Voice Project. The Family Voice Project is keen to gather family voices to understand how services work for SEND families; and to consider how services can be better improved. Several national areas in England are participating in the project and Safelives are keen to recruit, parents and carers, to focus groups and 1:1 interviews/conversations, which can be accommodated both online and in person.
Gemma Kirby, from Safelives will be running an in person focus group for parents and carers of NSPCWT, at The Firs – Parent Carer Resource Hub on Monday 3rd of March 2025, 9:30 -11:30am and we are looking for parents/carers to join in the conversation to help understand SEND provision and the support services available!
All participants will be renumerated with a £20 shopping voucher for their time and expertise!
If you are unable to attend an in person focus group on the 3rd of March 2025, or you would prefer to contribute within a 1:1 conversation, please email Gemma with a signed consent form and a 1:1 online interview, can be arranged.
For context, Gemma Kirby (from Safelives) as area lead has been working on the Family Voice Project since the Summer of 2024 and she wants to ensure that as many voices of families nationally are captured as part of the Family Voices Project. This project has been jointly commissioned by Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, Department for Education, Department for Work and Pensions and the Department for Health and Social Care to embed processes for families to share their lived experience of programmes; to inform the development of national programmes and policy, as well as the delivery of programmes locally.
If you would like to participate or have any questions for Gemma, you can email Gemma directly at the following address (gemma.kirby@safelivesassociate.org.uk) Please see attached a flier explaining more about the Family Voice Project, alongside an information sheet and consent form. Gemma would welcome any questions that you might have.

Autism & ADHD Support Group
Fancy a cuppa and a chat in a safe, supportive environment?
Then come and join us, North Somerset Parent Carers Working Together, for a meet up at The Firs.
Whether your child has ADHD, Autism or a complex medical need, you are more than welcome.
No diagnosis is required. It could be you have concerns at the moment with the development of your child/young person emotionally, mentally, socially or physically and want more information on where you can turn. We can help you 😊
We are joined by North Somerset Council's Home to School Transport Team (HTST). This is an opportunity to share your experiences and ask questions plus discuss their open consultation on proposed changes to post-16 home to school transport for young people.
At The Firs, Drove Road, WSM, BS23 3NX

PINS Coffee at Milton Park
Forty primary schools across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire are part of a new Project called “Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools” or PINS for short.
Read more about it here: https://www.nspcwt.org/pins-2
We're hosting information sessions at the 13 North Somerset schools and are excited to invite parents & carers of Milton Park Primary School along to this Coffee Afternoon
This is all about boosting support for neurodivergent learners and it's so important to have your partnership....
We are North Somerset Parent Carers Working Together (NSPCWT) and are here to ensure the collective parent carer voice is heard. We signpost to relevant organisations and listen to your experiences. We run regular coffee mornings, training sessions and events plus we recently organised free wellbeing days out to enjoy.
Come along and see us

Emotionally Based School Avoidance
NSPCWT Would like to invite parent carers and professionals to a fully funded session on this BRAND NEW training from Catrina Lowri on emotionally based school avoidance. This session has been requested by our parent carer community and we are so excited to be able to offer the support and guidance needed when families are experiencing this common issue.
Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA) is a term used to describe children and young people (CYP) who experience challenges in attending school due to negative feelings (such as anxiety). EBSA is commonly associated with emotional and physical distress, and a reluctance to attend school, which can lead to reduced attendance and further anxiety regarding school.
During this session, Catrina will guide you through the why's and the how's to try and support you through this with your child/young person. You will have the chance to dicuss your personal circumstances if you wish, and to give you the tools and strategies to put in place.

Exploring Benefits, Grants & Resources
The team from NSPCWT would like to invite parent carers across North Somerset to give you an introductory guide on what may be available for you to access as a parent carer.
We will cover benefits available, grants, post 16 opportunities, discounts, further support opportunities and much much more.
Please note that some of the information within this session may not be available to your personal circumstance, however we aim to give you an overview of what is out there within the area.
To book a funded place on this workshop you MUST live in North Somerset.

Neurodivergent Parent Carer Coffee
This is an informal meet up for Parent Carers who consider themselves Neurodivergent - no diagnosis necessary.
This is a chance to talk about yourself and share experiences and helpful tips ⭐
Come along, have a cuppa and meet others 🫖🍵
NSPCWT will be there for signposting & a listening ear
At The Firs, Drove Road, WSM, BS23 3NX

PINS Coffee at Kingshill Primary
Forty primary schools across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire are part of a new Project called “Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools” or PINS for short.
Read more about it here: https://www.nspcwt.org/pins-2
We're hosting information sessions at the 13 North Somerset schools and are excited to invite parents & carers of Kingshill C of E Primary School along to this Coffee Morning
This is all about boosting support for neurodivergent learners and it's so important to have your partnership....
We are North Somerset Parent Carers Working Together (NSPCWT) and are here to ensure the collective parent carer voice is heard. We signpost to relevant organisations and listen to your experiences. We run regular coffee mornings, training sessions and events plus we recently organised free wellbeing days out to enjoy.
Come along and see us
Pound Lane
BS48 2NP
United Kingdom

PINS Coffee at St Martins
Forty primary schools across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire are part of a new Project called “Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools” or PINS for short.
Read more about it here: https://www.nspcwt.org/pins-2
We're hosting information sessions at the 13 North Somerset schools and are excited to invite parents & carers of St Martins C of E Primary School along to this Coffee Afternoon.
This is all about boosting support for neurodivergent learners and it's so important to have your partnership....
We are North Somerset Parent Carers Working Together (NSPCWT) and are here to ensure the collective parent carer voice is heard. We signpost to relevant organisations and listen to your experiences. We run regular coffee mornings, training sessions and events plus we recently organised free wellbeing days out to enjoy.
Come along and see us

PINS Coffee at Crockerne Primary
Forty primary schools across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire are part of a new Project called “Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools” or PINS for short.
Read more about it here: https://www.nspcwt.org/pins-2
We're hosting information sessions at the 13 North Somerset schools and are excited to invite parents & carers of Crockerne Primary School along to this Coffee Afternoon
This is all about boosting support for neurodivergent learners and it's so important to have your partnership....
We are North Somerset Parent Carers Working Together (NSPCWT) and are here to ensure the collective parent carer voice is heard. We signpost to relevant organisations and listen to your experiences. We run regular coffee mornings, training sessions and events plus we recently organised free wellbeing days out to enjoy.
Come along and see us

School Placement Coffee
Update regarding special school placement decisions from the Local Authority:
'This year to manage the process of notifying parents regarding their child's placement, SEN Officers will be issuing decisions to parents and carers by finalising EHCP’s via the Portal between 11th and 13th February. Parents and carers will be able to see the placement decision by looking at the setting named in Section I of the Final Amended EHC Plan. The order that parent carers will be Notified will not be related to the decision whether or not to agree to the placement.'
If you receive an update naming a special school or setting for your child/young person and it is not the one you were hoping for, please come along to this coffee meeting...
North Somerset Council's SEND team, SEND and You - SAY (the local Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information and Advice Support Service) and NSPCWT are holding an informal drop in coffee for anyone who would like support to move forwards.
Please pop in on the 25th of February between 10.30am - 1.30pm to ask any questions that you may have and access any support you feel you need
The Firs, Parent Carer Resource Hub, 89a Drove Rd, Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset, BS23 3NX

Introduction to Understanding and Supporting Communication
Is your child awaiting an Autism assessment? Or are they showing signs of Autistic traits and you would like to learn more to help you understand how better to support them? Are you a professional looking to support a child / children in your care?
Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) Parent Carer forums have teamed together to deliver a variety of workshops to provide information, support and practical guidance to help you on your journey. This workshop is a face-to-face session focusing on Communication.
To book a funded place on this workshop you MUST live in North Somerset.
This workshop gives a broad overview of communication.
• What is it?
Communication is a vital part of everyone’s lives. Communication difficulties can affect both you and your child. There are many different ways that this can be displayed and can lead to you and your child feeling very frustrated.
• How does it present?
Communication difficulties present in a variety of ways. In this workshop we look at how communication is not simply based around speech. We look at communication as a two-way process – how children communicate their needs and how they respond to what is being communicated to them.
• What is the connection with executive functioning?
Children with communication difficulties can find it very difficult to understand what is being asked of them. They may have a very different view of what needs to be communicated and how. This can lead to difficulty in organisational skills, planning, processing and self- regulation issues.
• How can we best support our children with communication difficulties ?
This workshop looks at strategies on how to support communication difficulties. We aim to provide insight into communication without the only focus being on the spoken word. Whilst also sharing knowledge on ways to develop speech and two-way communication needs.
This workshop will be delivered by an SEND professional and an experienced SEND parent carer.

Broadoak SEND Evening
Broadoak Secondary are hosting their SEND evening.
Come along and chat to us alongside other supportive agencies….
At 14A Broadoak Road, Weston-Super-Mare BS23 4NP

PINS Coffee at Milton Park Primary
Forty primary schools across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire are part of a new Project called “Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools” or PINS for short.
Read more about it here: https://www.nspcwt.org/pins-2
We're hosting information sessions at the 13 North Somerset schools and are excited to invite parents & carers of Milton Park Primary School along to this Coffee Afternoon
This is all about boosting support for neurodivergent learners and it's so important to have your partnership....
We are North Somerset Parent Carers Working Together (NSPCWT) and are here to ensure the collective parent carer voice is heard. We signpost to relevant organisations and listen to your experiences. We run regular coffee mornings, training sessions and events plus we recently organised free wellbeing days out to enjoy.
Come along and see us

PINS Coffee at Golden Valley Primary
Forty primary schools across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire are part of a new Project called “Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools” or PINS for short.
Read more about it here: https://www.nspcwt.org/pins-2
We're hosting information sessions at the 13 North Somerset schools and are excited to invite parents & carers of Golden Valley Primary School along to this Coffee Morning
This is all about boosting support for neurodivergent learners and it's so important to have your partnership....
We are North Somerset Parent Carers Working Together (NSPCWT) and are here to ensure the collective parent carer voice is heard. We signpost to relevant organisations and listen to your experiences. We run regular coffee mornings, training sessions and events plus we recently organised free wellbeing days out to enjoy.
Come along and see us

Executive Functioning
Executive functioning (EF) isa set of cognitive skills that help people regulate their thoughts and actions to achieve goals:
Planning: Creating plans and determining how to complete tasks
Organization: Keeping things in order
Attention: Focusing on what's important
Working memory: Holding information in mind, such as rules or goals
Cognitive flexibility: Shifting attention in response to different cues
Impulse control: Resisting initial reactions
Emotional regulation: Controlling emotions
Decision-making: Making choices
This will be an interactive session where we explain how our brains process information differently and discuss ideas on how to support individuals with learning differences.
Loren Snow is a regular trainer we use here at NSPCWT, he is always hugely popular and gives real life experiences and stratergies to help support families.
This is a free training event for parent carers of children with additional needs and/or disabilities within North Somerset. This event is also open to professionals who work with children/young people with additional needs and/or disabilities in North Somerset. Priority on place allocation will be given based on the criteria above.

Autism & ADHD Support Group
Parents and carers within North Somerset are welcome to join us for a chat and some hot tea/coffee ☕
Your child/young person does not need a diagnosis in order to access our support. If you have any concerns about your child's development then please do join us.
😀 If you fancy a catch up with like minded peers or someone to just listen then we are here 💙
⭐Joining us are SEND and You - SAY. They are the SENDIAS (Special Educational Needs & Disability Information, Advice and Support) service and can offer help with all kinds of SEND issues at every stage of your child’s education, including SEN support at school, exclusions, Educational Health Care Plans (EHCP's), complaints and appeals. This is a good chance to ask any questions face to face with supportive advice from SAY!
Rolling tea, coffee, cakes and biscuits for all 🍪
At The Firs, Drove Rd, Weston-Super-Mare, BS23 3NX
#SENDIAS #SENDandYou #SAY #parentcarers #parentcarersupport #NorthSomerset #ASD #ADHD

PINS Coffee at Becket Primary
Forty primary schools across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire are part of a new Project called “Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools” or PINS for short.
Read more about it here: https://www.nspcwt.org/pins-2
We're hosting information sessions at the 13 North Somerset schools and are excited to invite parents & carers of Becket Primary School along to this Coffee Afternoon 🍵
🗨️This is all about boosting support for neurodivergent learners and it's so important to have your partnership....
🙋♂️We are North Somerset Parent Carers Working Together (NSPCWT) and are here to ensure the collective parent carer voice is heard. We signpost to relevant organisations and listen to your experiences. We run regular coffee mornings, training sessions and events plus we recently organised free wellbeing days out to enjoy.
🌞 Come along and see us 😀

General Parent Carer Coffee
This is our General Coffee - all parent carers are welcome to come along for an informal chat over hot drinks and snacks 🤩
Your child/young person does not need a diagnosis for you to be able to join our community of parent carers and access our coffees/training/wellbeing sessions 🌻
We can offer support and signposting if you require or just come along to have a catch up - our doors are open - no booking required!
We will be joined by the fab SEND and You - SAY, they are the local SENDIAS (Special Educational Needs & Disability Information, Advice and Support service). They offer free, informative advice and will be happy to chat over a cuppa 🙂
We also have The SEND Clubs and Activities Service (SENDCAS) with us. They run a variety of out of school term time clubs and holiday activities and outings in Weston-super-Mare and Portishead plus have other offers such as Family Passes. Drop in and ask any questions….
St.Andrew’s Church Centre, Clevedon
BS21 7UE

PINS Coffee at Mary Elton
Forty primary schools across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire are part of a new Project called “Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools” or PINS for short.
Read more about it here: https://www.nspcwt.org/pins-2
We're hosting information sessions at the 13 North Somerset schools and are excited to invite parents & carers of Mary Elton Primary School along to this Coffee Morning 🍵
🗨️This is all about boosting support for neurodivergent learners and it's so important to have your partnership....
🙋♂️We are North Somerset Parent Carers Working Together (NSPCWT) and are here to ensure the collective parent carer voice is heard. We signpost to relevant organisations and listen to your experiences. We run regular coffee mornings, training sessions and events plus we recently organised free wellbeing days out to enjoy.
🌞 Come along and see us 😀

Autism & ADHD Support Group
We love these little get togethers!
Join us - chat, laugh, cry if you need - the amount of information shared, helpful tips, signposting & support is great (most of this from other parents & carers 🤭)
We are also joined by SEND and You - SAY. They are the SENDIAS (Special Educational Needs & Disability Information, Advice and Support) service and can offer help with all kinds of SEND issues at every stage of your child’s education, including SEN support at school, exclusions, Educational Health Care Plans (EHCP's), complaints and appeals. This is a good chance to ask any questions face to face with supportive advice from SAY!
See you there 🥰 (if you are unsure, please message the page and one of our peer support team will help you)
At North Weston Village Hall, Portishead, BS20 6TB

Introduction to Understanding and Supporting Behaviour
Is your child awaiting an Autism assessment? Or are they showing signs of Autistic traits and you would like to learn more to help you understand how better to support them? Are you a professional looking to support a child / children in your care?
Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) Parent Carer forums have teamed together to deliver a variety of workshops to provide information, support and practical guidance to help you on your journey. This workshop is a face-to-face session focusing on Behaviour.
To book a funded place on this workshop you MUST live in North Somerset.
This workshop gives a broad overview of behaviour.
• What is it?
Behaviour is both positive and negative – it can be very easy to think of negative situations when we talk about behaviour – but it is important to note this is not the case. Behaviour can be a response to environment and/or how we are feeling.
• How does it present?
All behaviour is a form of communication. So whether positive or negative behaviour is demonstrated we are demonstrating how we are feeling. Some behaviours can be really challenging for parents and carers. This can be shown as aggression, frustration or the child who shuts down.
• What is the connection with executive functioning?
Executive function is a set of cognitive skills that are needed for self-control and managing behaviors. These skills include self-control, working memory, and mental flexibility. When recurring behaviours appear it can have a direct effect on our executive functioning skills such as self control.
• How can we best support our children with behaviour difficulties?
During this workshop we will look at strategies we can you use to help your child to manage their behaviour, including ways in which we can use our own approach to their (and our) behaviour to support your child.
This workshop will be delivered by an SEND professional and an experienced SEND parent carer.

EBSA Coffee
Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA) is a term used to describe children and young people (CYP) who experience challenges in attending school due to negative feelings (such as anxiety). EBSA is commonly associated with emotional and physical distress, and a reluctance to attend school, which can lead to reduced attendance and further anxiety regarding school.
This is a Peer Support Coffee session to gain some support & signposting whilst meeting others in a similar situation 💖
⭐Joining us are SEND and You - SAY. They are the SENDIAS (Special Educational Needs & Disability Information, Advice and Support) service and can offer help with all kinds of SEND issues at every stage of your child’s education, including SEN support at school, exclusions, Educational Health Care Plans (EHCP's), complaints and appeals. This is a good chance to ask any questions face to face with supportive advice from SAY!
⭐We are also joined by Guy Clayton, Principal Educational Psychologist from the North Somerset EP Service to listen to Parent Carer views.
At The Firs, Drove Rd, BS23 3NX

Autism & ADHD Support Group
Fancy a hot cuppa away from the cold?🥶
Come and join us for a chat, you can access signposting and support too 💖
We are also joined by the fab SEND and you - SAY. They are the local Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Advice and Support service⭐
At The Firs, Drove Rd, Weston-Super-Mare, BS23 3NX
#SENDIAS #SENDandYou #SAY #parentcarers #parentcarersupport #NorthSomerset #ASD #ADHD

PINS Coffee at Golden Valley Primary
Forty primary schools across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire are part of a new Project called “Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools” or PINS for short.
Read more about it here: https://www.nspcwt.org/pins-2
We're hosting information sessions at the 13 North Somerset schools and are excited to invite parents & carers of Golden Valley Primary School along to this Coffee Morning
This is all about boosting support for neurodivergent learners and it's so important to have your partnership....
We are North Somerset Parent Carers Working Together (NSPCWT) and are here to ensure the collective parent carer voice is heard. We signpost to relevant organisations and listen to your experiences. We run regular coffee mornings, training sessions and events plus we recently organised free wellbeing days out to enjoy.
Come along and see us

Autism vs ADHD
We promised you all that we would repeat this training offer from Loren Snow, and here it is!
Autism vs ADHD: What's the difference?
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism often go together and can easily be confused for one another. It can be hard being a parent to know which is causing the most difficulty and what you need to use strategies for. So what is the difference between them?
In this short course, we'll cover many similarities between the two. We'll also look at many simple strategies you can start straight away that should help.
I'll share with you a brief overview about:
The myths and facts of both
How the brain processes information differently
Strategies to help someone learn and navigate the world
Associated conditions
The senses role in behaviour
Let's face it, they can both seem complicated; it can be confusing to pry them apart. So if you're struggling to figure it out and need a simple overview, then this is the perfect introduction course for you.
This is a free training event for parent carers of children with additional needs and/or disabilities within North Somerset. This event is also open to professionals who work with children/young people with additional needs and/or disabilities in North Somerset. Priority on place allocation will be given based on the criteria above.