Get involved
Your chance to add to our impact
The more members we have, the stronger our voice.
As we grow in number, we will see the benefit in our daily lives and our children’s futures.

Join our community
Becoming a member is easy. You don’t have to pay anything or commit to anything.
Our members get to:
Hear about the latest events
Find the most up-to-date information
Receive our regular newsletter
Learn about updates as soon as we do
Parents and carers membership
For parents and carers looking after a child or young person (aged 0-25) with additional needs or disabilities.
Associate membership
For anyone who supports families in a professional / practitioner, educational or voluntary capacity.
Note: add to your address book to make sure our emails don’t end up in your junk folder.
Get more actively involved
Our steering group is for parents and carers who want to do and say more in our community. By joining, you can help steer the direction of our forum. As part of our steering group you will:
Shape priorities for the forum
Meet face to face six times a year
Engage with feedback from the wider community
Discuss EHCP, transport provision, key priorities, diagnosis and respite
Bring together the collective voice of parents and carers in North Somerset
Help make our parent/carer community supportive and inclusive
The detail
Our forum will facilitate a termly meeting, creating an environment where you and everyone else feels they can contribute equally. We will ask you to accept our Code of Conduct policy to help us achieve this.
Parents and carers are always welcome to visit these meetings without commitment. We only ask that steering group members commit to attend. We can’t pay expenses but we do provide refreshments! Get in touch to learn more.
Become a Parent Carer Representative
If you’ve fought enough battles as a parent or carer already and want to stop others going through the same, you can engage with the work we do on an even higher level.
As a Parent Carer Representative you will:
Raise awareness of the forum and help grow our SEND community
Work with the directors and steering group to listen to local families
Ensure parent carer voices are heard by those who provide local services
Attend meetings and events and shape the conversation
Work with education and health services (as opportunities to co-produce come up) while representing our collective voice

The detail
This role is a time commitment but it is a flexible one, so don’t be put off if you live a busy life! Our forum administrator will assign you meetings according to your availability - and in step with your interests and experience. We’ll also offer you training and support to help you when you need it.
You’ll be able to claim expenses (including travel) and remuneration for attending meetings or representing our community at events. We’ll ask you to sign up our code of conduct and equalities policies.
Become a volunteer
You can support the forum in many other ways. We are always looking for people to lend us a hand through:
IT support
Helping us to run events
Social media
Admin and office tasks
Design work
If you are a good fit for any of the above, or have another skill you think could help the forum, don’t hesitate to get in touch!