What we do
Your collective voice for change

What we do
Your collective voice for change
We represent parents and carers in North Somerset to...
Make people aware of what families need
Influence the decisions that local government, service commissioners and providers make
Create better outcomes for children and young people with additional needs and disabilities

Participation & Co-production
The best chance we have for change is to step alongside one another.
One of the key ways we support families is by working together with commissioners and providers. Together we can influence decision-makers to create change where it’s needed. We promote the voice of parents and carers through co-production and participation with services such as:- Education
- Health
- Social care
Access to services, the experience of those services - it can all change for the better for our SEND community.
Our annual survey gathers parent carer experiences together, raising awareness of the improvements that families need to see. When you fill out our survey, it helps our parent carer reps to know exactly what to bring to the table when they meet with significant people in the community. Your voice matters. Please keep an eye out for our next annual survey and help us to prioritise what families need. Both your good and bad experiences can help us to create change.
We are a strong parent carer community who are here for one another. As parent carers ourselves, we understand the challenges we all face. But we also know the joys our children bring.
Together we nurture an environment of support, a space where you can feel safe asking or suggesting anything. Join one of our Coffee sessions, these are held at various locations across North Somerset and are hosted by our Peer Support Team. These are often arranged with agencies that can offer you direct support. Our Peer Support workers are a great listening ear, can signpost you to relevant agencies and are happy to make many cups of tea. You can request for a Coffee to be held at your child/young person’s setting, please use the ‘Ask us Anything’ button below.
Peer Support
We provide free Training to parent carers within North Somerset. Our offer is created from the voice of our community and is an evolving picture ranging through medical needs, mental health needs, diagnosis processes, communication support to financial management. Our aim is to empower parent carers with the knowledge they need to support themselves and their families….
NSPCWT are proud to facilitate a large scale event in North Somerset once a year. It brings parents, carers and professionals together ultimately to share information & offer support to our community whilst also providing an opportunity for organisations to network.
Our next ‘Day of SEND’ will be late 2025.
Expect stallholders, drop in clinics, training and some great key note speakers.
More information will be released across social media and through signing up to our email database…. we hope to see you there!