Partnership for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS)
Forty primary schools across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire will be part of a new Project called “Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools” or PINS for short.
The PINS project is a National initiative funded by the DFE and led by NHS England which will test a new model for supporting good outcomes in mainstream primary schools for Neurodiverse students and to strengthen parent carer and school partnerships.
Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS) will bring health and education specialists and expert parent carers into mainstream primary settings to:
help shape whole school SEND provision
provide early interventions at a school level
upskill school staff
support strengthening of partnerships between schools and parent carers
The project will focus on strengthening knowledge, skills and improving environments to better meet the needs of neurodiverse children. Through a focus on supportive learning environments and well-equipped schools we can improve the outcomes for this group of children.
North Somerset Parent Carers Working Together will be working with 13 Primary schools in North Somerset with our main focus to support strengthening of partnerships between schools and parent carers.
We are looking forward to meeting Parent Carers within the participating schools when we start our first visits in Spring /Summer 2024.
List of 13 schools involved with the PINS project are listed below:
Ashcombe Primary School
Becket Primary School
Corpus Christi School
Crockerne Church of England Primary School
Golden Valley Primary School
Kingshill Church School
Mary Elton Primary School
Milton Park Primary School
Sandford Primary School
St Anne’s Church Academy
St Martin’s Church of England Primary School
Walliscote Primary School
Yeo Moor Primary School
If you are a parent carer from one of the schools listed, please head here to complete the Parent Carer Survey and contact your school SENCO to see how you can be involved….