Jargon Buster

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ADD: Attention deficit disorder

ADHD: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

ASD: Autism spectrum disorder

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BNSSG: Bristol North Somerset South Gloucester

BSL - British Sign Language

BSP - Behaviour Support Plan

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CAF: Common assessment framework

CAMHS: Child and adolescent mental health services

CCG: Clinical commissioning group

CFA - Children and Families Act (2014)

CIN: Child in need

CLA: Child looked after (previously LAC)

CoP: Code of practice

CP: Child protection

CYP: Children and young people



DCT: Disabled children’s team

DDA: Disability discrimination act

DFE - Department For Education

DLA - Disability Living Allowance

DP - Direct Payments


EHC - Education, Health & Care

EHCP: Education health care plan

EHE: Elective home education

EP: Educational psychologist

EWO: Education welfare officer

EYFS: Early years foundation stage


FAS: Fetal alcohol syndrome

FASD: Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders

FE - Further Education

FSM: Free school meals



GDD: Global development delay

GLD: Global learning delay

GMS - Gross Motor Skills


HI: Hearing impaired

HLTA: Higher level teaching assistant

HTST: Home to school transport


IASS - Information, Advice, and Support Service

IEP: Individual education plan

IPP - Individual Pupil Profile

IPSEA: Independent provider of special education advice

IRP: Independent review panel





LA - Local Authority

LAC - Looked After Child

LARM: Locality allocation and review meeting

LDD: Learning difficulties and disabilities

LO: Local offer

LSA: Learning support assistant

LSCB: Local safeguarding children board


If you have any Jargon words which should be considered , please do contact us on admin@nspcwt.org