From Tilly, Age 17, A Sibling’s Story: 

'Living with disabilities can be challenging at times, but it can also impact the lives of those closest to you. Growing up with a younger brother with Down syndrome imposed a lot of social challenges on my day to day life.

 I remember walking down the streets with him, and people would stare just because he looked a bit different. When he was younger people his age would ask what was wrong with him and I never knew how to answer because to me nothing was wrong with him. I would always brush it off and tell them that he had Down syndrome, but I never understood why that was an issue. 

I lived in constant fear of him growing up in a cruel world with people who didn't understand. I would make up scenarios of what could possibly happen to him as he grew up. I would overthink about him being bullied, taken advantage of and how I could be the one to save and solve that issue. I never understood why it was such an issue, and still is. 

I don't see how people can treat it as a defect when in all honesty I see him as more. He's more loving, more kind, more compassionate than most adults I meet so how could he ever be seen as less. 

Living with Ollie is different everyday, he isn't stereotypically happy all the time as people may think he's grumpy and moody lots too. But he is so funny and can be so silly and we have the best relationship even though he won't stay out of my room. 

🥰The best thing about having Ollie as my brother is I'm now more compassionate and understanding, I feel blessed to sometimes see the world through Ollie's eyes and he makes me a better version of myself too❣️'

Written June 2023