You Said, We Did
You said….
We need to improve support for children and parents.
We did….
-Across children’s services there are telephone advice lines and the updated website provides more information and signposting to support families while they wait, including bitesize videos to support families of children at a pre-referral level. There is a list of resources available for families to access which is available here
-For mental health support, families can self-refer into Kooth and Off the Record for mental health support and groups. Mental health support teams are also now available in many schools and this covers over 50% of the school age population in North Somerset with access currently through the schools mental health lead.
-We realise the importance of providing continuity of care to support children, young people and their parent carers and strive to provide this wherever possible and appropriate. However, it is important to note that this can be challenging in some cases particularly as staff leave services, a young person transitions or their needs changes which may require support from a professional with a different skill set. It is important that we can provide care that is responsive and appropriate to the young persons needs and as such this may be better met by another practitioner. This is because staff members have different skills sets and training and so may be better suited to supporting a child with their condition. Staff are all required to maintain their clinical skills and learning is identified and promoted at 1:1'‘s and annual performance development review meetings.