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An Introduction to Understanding and Supporting Behaviour

We’ve been hearing from Parent Carers about the impact of being on the waiting list and we know you need help now!

For this project, the BNSSG Parent Carer Forums have joined together to provide and host a range of online information sessions and face-to-face workshops. To attend this workshop, you MUST live in Bristol, North Somerset or South Gloucestershire.

Please note that this session is designed to be completed face to face. The training usually allows for plenty of discussion time and is longer to accommodate this. Due to it being completed virtually, it is shorter and restricted on the way in which discussion takes place. Catrina is more than happy to accept questions throughout, and a parent carer will also be available to use the chat setting whilst training is taking place.

This workshop gives a broad overview of behaviour.

  • What is it?

Behaviour is both positive and negative – it can be very easy to think of negative situations when we talk about behaviour – but it is important to note this is not the case. Behaviour can be a response to environment and/or how we are feeling.

  • How does it present?

All behaviour is a form of communication. So, whether positive or negative behaviour is demonstrated we are demonstrating how we are feeling. Some behaviours can be really challenging for parents and carers. This can be shown as aggression, frustration or the child who shuts down.

  • What is the connection with executive functioning?

Executive function is a set of cognitive skills that are needed for self-control and managing behaviors. These skills include self-control, working memory, and mental flexibility. When recurring behaviours appear it can have a direct effect on our executive functioning skills such as self-control.

  • How can we best support our children with behaviour difficulties ?

During this workshop we will look at strategies we can you use to help your child to manage their behaviour, including ways in which we can use our own approach to their (and our) behaviour to support your child.

This workshop will be delivered by a SEND professional and an experienced SEND parent carer.

9 August

Stay & Play

15 August

Stay & Play