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ASD&ADHD Evening Coffee

We are all parent carers ourselves and fully understand you’ve likely had a very long day🥱

Find us at The Firs in the evening of May 25th for a good chat with tea, coffee, cake PLUS free bonus Wellbeing care from our lovely Emma!😀😀

🌟Emma has an interest in overall wellbeing and self-care management. She can talk about quick, easy and relaxing self-care techniques that can help improve sleep, reduce depression, reduce anxiety and decrease stress levels.

She is happy to either model self hand/facial massages or carry out a short hand🖐massage on people, as well as discussing sleep routines and breathing exercises 💤🌟

We will also be joined by the fab SEND and You - SAY, the local Special Educational Needs and Disability Information and Advice Support service😀

🌻Your child/young person does not need a diagnosis in order to access our community! If you have concerns about your child then please do come along

We hope to see you there :)

24 May

What's Next After The ADHD Diagnosis?

6 June

Brunch! Parent Carers Celebratory Brunch