Pop along for signposting, support and informal chat over a cuppa 🍵🧁
For parents & carers to children/young people with any additional need or disability - 👋
We are joined by the fab SEND and You - SAY.
SEND and You are the local SENDIAS (Special Educational Needs & Disability Information, Advice and Support) service and can offer help with all kinds of SEND issues at every stage of your child’s education, including SEN support at school, exclusions, Educational Health Care Plans (EHCP's), complaints and appeals.
🤝We are pleased to be joined by Gavin Hutchison, Strategy and Policy Officer for the Autism Strategy which is being developed in North Somerset Council. 'We would like to come and speak to you about your experiences of being an autistic person and/or parent carer living in North Somerset. It is important that your voices and expertise are listened to, heard, and used to co-produce the Autism strategy. In our initial conversations it is important to find out what is working well, what doesn’t work so well, and what you think the strategy should prioritise. The key is working together to create a strategy that is meaningful, achievable, and impactful.'
🍵You can take part in these discussions or come along for time with our peer support team and other parents and carers over tea & coffee 😃
At North Weston Village hall, Portishead, BS20 6TB
#SENDIAS #SENDandYou #SAY #parentcarers #parentcarersupport #NorthSomerset #Autism #ADHD