🍰🍵North Somerset Parent Carers Working Together are facilitating an informal coffee morning full of tea, coffee and cake for current parent carers with children / young people attending Baytree school at the Weston site.
👋NSPCWT are the local parent carer forum offering signposting, free training, support and representation of the parent carer voice. If you are considering Baytree school for your child or young person, please do also come along!
⭐We will be joined by SEND and You - SAY, the SENDIAS (Special Educational Needs & Disability Information, Advice and Support) service and can offer help with all kinds of SEND issues at every stage of your child’s education, including SEN support at school, Educational Health Care Plans (EHCP's) and Annual Reviews. This is a good chance to ask any questions face to face with supportive advice from SAY!
This is a relaxed chance to meet other people in a similar situation and access support if required We hope to see you there....