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Coffee with the Young Carers Team and SEND and You

🍵General Coffee Morning for all parents & carers to children/young people with any emerging needs, additional needs or disabilities -

Come along and meet others on a similar journey, feel free to talk about anything you feel comfortable with. We can offer drinks and snacks plus signposting and support🖊️

😀We will be joined by the Young Carers Team to hear about their service and how to access it. They support young people from age 5 to 18 years of age, who are caring for a family member. " realising that they are a ‘young carer’ they can meet other young carers, get support and have time out which is just for them in our activities"

⭐We also have the lovely SEND and You - SAY for educational advice & support⭐

5 October

Young Carers Coffee Morning

10 October