We are all parent carers ourselves and fully understand you’ve likely had a very long day🥱
Find us in Portishead the evening of May 25th for a good chat with tea, coffee, cake PLUS free bonus Wellbeing care from our lovely Emma!😀😀
🌟Emma has an interest in overall wellbeing and self-care management. She can talk about quick, easy and relaxing self-care techniques that can help improve sleep, reduce depression, reduce anxiety and decrease stress levels.
She is happy to either model self hand/facial massages or carry out a short hand🖐massage on people, as well as discussing sleep routines and breathing exercises 💤🌟
🎉SEND and You - SAY will be there who are the local Special Educational Needs Disabilities and Advice Support Service so you can ask questions about your child's educational path and gain free supportive advice.
🌻Your child/young person does not need a diagnosis in order to access our community! If you have concerns about your child then please do come along
We hope to see you there :)