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General Parent Carer Coffee

This is our General Coffee - all parent carers are welcome to come along for an informal chat over hot drinks and snacks 🤩

Your child/young person does not need a diagnosis for you to be able to join our community of parent carers and access our coffees/training/wellbeing sessions 🌻

We can offer support and signposting if you require or just come along to have a catch up - our doors are open - no booking required!

We will be joined by the fab SEND and You - SAY, they are the local SENDIAS (Special Educational Needs & Disability Information, Advice and Support service). They offer free, informative advice and will be happy to chat over a cuppa 🙂

We also have The SEND Clubs and Activities Service (SENDCAS) with us. They run a variety of out of school term time clubs and holiday activities and outings in Weston-super-Mare and Portishead plus have other offers such as Family Passes. Drop in and ask any questions….


St.Andrew’s Church Centre, Clevedon

BS21 7UE

10 February

PINS Coffee at Mary Elton

10 February

PINS Coffee at Becket Primary