This is our General Coffee - all parent carers are welcome to come along for an informal chat over hot drinks and snacks 🤩
Your child/young person does not need a diagnosis for you to be able to join our community of parent carers and access our coffees/training/wellbeing sessions 🌻
We can offer support and signposting if you require or just come along to have a catch up - our doors are open - no booking required!
We will be joined by the fab SEND and You - SAY, they are the local SENDIAS (Special Educational Needs & Disability Information, Advice and Support service). They offer free, informative advice and will be happy to chat over a cuppa 🙂
We also have The SEND Clubs and Activities Service (SENDCAS) with us. They run a variety of out of school term time clubs and holiday activities and outings in Weston-super-Mare and Portishead plus have other offers such as Family Passes. Drop in and ask any questions….
St.Andrew’s Church Centre, Clevedon
BS21 7UE