NSPCWT would like to invite parent carers to a fully funded online training session with Catrina Lowri from Neuroteachers for training on how to support your neurodivergent child / young person with bereavement and loss.
Grief is extremely complex for neurotypical people, so whilst you as parent carers may be going through this yourselves, having to support your neurodivergent child or young person with these feelings can be extremely overwhelming and a bit of a minefield on where to even begin.
Catrina is here to support you through this, you may want to join us to gain a better perspective on things that you may be able to do if the time ever came, or you may be dealing with a bereavement or family trauma currently and need some strategies to help.
Losing a loved one, or family trauma can cause emotions that young people or children struggle to understand. Catrina will guide you through how to support them recognising these emotions, and how to support them through grief.
Catrina supports the North Somerset, Bristol and South Glos forums with the ASD training we provide on the 4 following subjects related to autism: sensory, anxiety, behaviour and communication. She has ample experience teaching about neurodivergent conditions, and is prepared for all questions asked.
North Somerset Parent Carers Working Together are incredibly excited to extend our training offer with more diverse topics to benefit you and your families.