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Managing the Red Zone

NSPCWT would like to invite parent carers to a fully funded online training session with Catrina Lowri from Neuroteachers for training on Managing the Red Zone - parental guide to Anger, Meltdown and Shutdown in your Neuro-Diverse teen.

Neurdiversity is complex and can heighten emotions in teenagers for all sorts of reasons. If you have a child or young person 0-25 and are struggling at home or in education with anger, meltdowns and shutdowns then Catrina is here to offer you the support you need. She will present to you the reasons as to why this may be happening with your young person, and strategies you can implement to try and ease the sitution.

North Somerset Parent Carers Working Together are incredibly excited to extend our training offer with more diverse topics to benefit you and your families.

Session is on Zoom

8 February

Music Therapy, Coffee and Chat @The Firs, W-S-M

19 February

General Parent Carer Coffee & Chat