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Masking in Autism

NSPCWT would like to invite parent carers to a fully funded online training session with Corrina Wood for training on masking in autism. This is part of our autism and neurodivergent training that we originally worked alongside Bristol and South Gloucestershire parent carer forums.

Masking in Autism is common, and often misinterpreted or overlooked, but the consequences of long term masking for the child can be serious. This workshop will look at:

What is Masking?
What is Fawning?
How does it impact the individual and the family?
How can we identify and support it?

Corrina has ample experience teaching about neurodivergent conditions, and is prepared for all questions asked.

North Somerset Parent Carers Working Together are incredibly excited to extend our training offer with more diverse topics to benefit you and your families.

13 September

Peer Support Coffee with Healthwatch

19 September

Pathological Demand Avoidance