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Parent Carer Coffee for Emotionally Based School Avoidance

Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA) is a term used to describe children and young people (CYP) who experience challenges in attending school due to negative feelings (such as anxiety). EBSA is commonly associated with emotional and physical distress, and a reluctance to attend school, which can lead to reduced attendance and further anxiety regarding school.

This is a peer support Coffee session to gain some support and information.

We will be joined by Guy Clayton, Principal Educational Psychologist from the North Somerset EP Service to listen to Parent Carer views.

⭐We are also joined by SEND and You - SAY. They are the SENDIAS (Special Educational Needs & Disability Information, Advice and Support) service and can offer help with all kinds of SEND issues at every stage of your child’s education, including SEN support at school, exclusions, Educational Health Care Plans (EHCP's), complaints and appeals. This is a good chance to ask any questions face to face with supportive advice from SAY!

At The Firs, Drove Road, WSM, BS23 3NX

22 May

An Introduction to Understanding and Supporting Communication

5 June

Autism & ADHD Support Group