Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Clubs and Activities Service

You said:

We need to improve information and communication

We did:

- Taking part in the local offer event 29.09.2021 to raise awareness of our services

- Using social media to let parents/carers know about our clubs and activities

-Developed a local offer flyer to signpost parents and carers to the local offer and the Disabled Children’s Register and Facebook page

-Established twice yearly newsletter to supplement our SENDCAS emails to parents and carers

-Updated our pages on the local offer

What’s happening next:

-Attending parents evenings at local schools to promote our services

- Connecting with SENDCO’s in mainstream schools to raise awareness of our services

You said:

We need to be better at involving and listening to parents and carers and monitoring and reviewing our services

We did:

-Developed an online feedback forms for parents and carers to tell us what they think of our service

- Evaluate and reflect on all of our services when feedback is received

What`s happening next:

- Improving our links with NSPCWT to better meet the needs of the families we work with

-Working on online booking forms

You said:

We need to reduce the length of time families wait for support

We did:

-Changed our recruitment of buddies from once a year to twice a year to ensure that when COVID restrictions are fully lifted we will have a workforce that will allow more children and young people to access our service

What`s happening next:

-Contacting parents and carers on our waiting list to check if they still want the service so we can reduce the time families who do want the service are


- We are changing the way we offer Saturday club to reduce the waiting list and allow more children to attend

You said:

We need to be better at identifying and meeting family’s needs

We did:

-Took on the delivery of the Stay and Play events at Kingsmour Park from CWD (Family Fun) and added more Stay and Play activities during October half term, February half term & May half term

-Reduced the age we can take children from six years old to five years old (year 1)

-Registered with Ofsted so parents can use childcare vouchers for their activities

- Liaised with the three special schools to identify families that did not have other support during the holidays and prioritised these children for playscheme when places were limited by COVID restrictions

- Worked with Baytree school to offer activities at the school during the holidays

What’s happening next:

- Using the school notice board to promote our activities to Children and Young people with additional needs in mainstream schools

- Attending reviews of young people where appropriate

- Liaising with social workers and family support workers in CWD and Community Family Teams


North Somerset Parent Carers Working Together - NSPCWT

