Come and Join our Focus Group at Springboard Healthy Living Centre!
This is for current parent carers and ex parent carers to share their experiences. Come and tell us what worked or is working well and anything you would change or like to improve.
Are you a previous or current Springboard parent?
Have you attended sessions or stay and plays?
Springboard and NSPCWT are holding focus groups to find out your experiences, what you have found invaluable and what you would love to see in the future.
Come along to this very informal coffee morning, bring your experiences and ideas. We want to hear from you
Supportive Parents will be there! They are the SENDIAS (Special Educational Needs & Disability Information, Advice and Support) service and can offer help with Educational Health Care Plans (EHCP's), other legal processes, plus can offer information, advice and support on all kinds of SEND issues at every stage of your child’s education.